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Pacifier Pros and Cons? What Baby Sleep Consultant Says?

Is Pacifier a helpful tool for your little one? Some of the cons of using a pacifier are...
Dr. Sarah Mitchell
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Pacifiers, friend or foe?

A binkie, soother, sou sou, or pacifier, whatever you want to call it, is a device that baby can suck on to soothe herself. Babies have a natural tendency to want to suck, and the pacifier can meet those needs.
Dr. Sarah Mitchell
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Pacifiers: When, Why and How to Wean

Pacifiers, also known as soothers, binkies, dummy, button, and my personal favourite the fussbug, can be a contentious topic in parenting. Do they cause nipple confusion? Deform your teeth? Spread germs? Or perpetuate sleep challenges? How to wean pacifiers when the time comes?
Dr. Sarah Mitchell