The 4-3 nap transition is an exciting time! If this is happening it means that your child is starting to take some longer naps and connecting sleep cycles.
By 6 months of age, your baby’s schedule is becoming more consistent with 3 naps per day. At this age your baby needs 2-3 hours of daytime nap hours total and 11-12 hours of overnight sleep.
Congratulations! You’ve made it to the 6 month mark where things generally get a little easier. A this age babies can stay awake a little longer and you have bigger windows to get out of the house and do more things for yourself without compromising your baby’s sleep.
As a parent, we are concerned about our child during the night, worried that our child is too hot or too cold. In this post, Dr. Sarah Mitchell explains how you can dress your baby for peaceful winter sleep.
Traveling over the holidays can be stressful enough but add a baby or toddler into the mix and one might have the fleeting thought of staying home where your baby can continue to sleep well.