When my son was 3 months old he was waking up every 2.5 hours at night. Born at 10 lbs 4 oz he had a voracious appetite from the beginning. He had to be hungry each time he woke, right?
I remember being in the hospital, hours after my baby’s birth, giving him a bath and then trying to breastfeed. It didn’t go well since he was so sleepy from the bath! It is true that a bath will make a newborn sleepy. The bath is similar to the soothing conditions the baby experienced in the womb.
As a parent, we are concerned about our child during the night, worried that our child is too hot or too cold. In this post, Dr. Sarah Mitchell explains how you can dress your baby for peaceful winter sleep.
A binkie, soother, sou sou, or pacifier, whatever you want to call it, is a device that baby can suck on to soothe herself. Babies have a natural tendency to want to suck, and the pacifier can meet those needs.
You’ve spent so much time getting your baby to sleep and swaddling, now you might be wondering how do I wean my baby from the swaddle? Keep reading and I”ll give you 6 simple steps.