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Dr. Sarah Mitchell

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Teaching Independent Sleep to Breastfed Babies

Discover effective solutions for teaching independent sleep to breastfed babies without compromising breastfeeding.
Dr. Sarah Mitchell
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Is White Noise Helpful or Harmful for Baby Sleep? Dr. Sarah Mitchell

Discover the impact of white noise on baby sleep with insights from Dr. Sarah Mitchell. Uncover whether white noise is a helpful aid or a potential disruptor for your baby's restful nights.
Dr. Sarah Mitchell
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Newborn Sleep Mastery: A Parent's Guide to Understanding and Improving Sleep Patterns

Unlock the secrets of newborn sleep patterns with expert tips and strategies. From understanding sleep regressions to optimizing your baby's rest, our guide has you covered. Say goodbye to sleepless nights and hello to healthier development for your little one
Dr. Sarah Mitchell
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Feeding on Demand in the Early Weeks

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends feeding newborn babies on demand, or whenever they show signs of hunger like rooting and sucking motions, in the early weeks and months of life.
Dr. Sarah Mitchell
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Dealing with Colic: Tips for Soothing Your Fussy Baby

Here are some tips to help soothe your colicky baby and get through this challenging time: 1. Check for hunger or wet diaper - Often the simple solution of feeding or changing the baby can help. Crying can be the first sign your baby is hungry
Dr. Sarah Mitchell
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Dealing with Sleep Regressions for 1-3 Month Olds

Handling sleep regressions takes patience and consistency. Remember that disruptions to sleep are...
Dr. Sarah Mitchell
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Why "Drowsy But Awake" Doesn't Work Long Term

In this article first we'll discuss how to do "drowsy but awake" and the benefits and then we'll review why this doesn't work for so many parents long term. 
Dr. Sarah Mitchell
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Naps on the Go How to Make a Good Nap Happen for Your Baby

Dr. Sarah Mitchell shares tips on overcoming challenges to help your baby nap on the go. Learn the importance of daytime naps for both baby and mom and discover strategies for stress-free outings and improved mental health.
Dr. Sarah Mitchell